Proton Scanner Trunking at Daresbury Laboratory

Project Name: Daresbury Laboratory
Location: Warrington
Date of installation: Ongoing
Contractor: Warden Construction of Preston
Product Installed: Trunking for a new proton scanner
A new proton therapy assembly and test facility has been built at Daresbury Laboratory in a collaboration with British firm Advanced Oncotherapy. The Laboratory will become the mass-assembly and testing location for this next generation of proton particle accelerator. Advanced Oncotherapy’s ‘LIGHT’ system is expected to be the first commercially available linear proton accelerator and will be a milestone advancement in cancer therapy.
Screeduct were enlisted by Warden Construction to produce trunking for this new proton scanner. The Trunking was manufactured to plans supplied by the contractor and includes several built in channels as well as an angled section.
If you’re interested in bespoke trunking or have a project you feel we may be able to help with please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01789 459211 or drop us an email